
diary 2016. 2. 12. 20:41

한국어능력 시험을 위해, 통해 공부하고 있어요! 아마 작년에 아니면 재작년에 등록했는데.... 몇일 전에 긴 시간 처음으로 로그인했어요ㅎ제 생각에는 이 상트는 언어를 공부하면 오느 쪽이든지 큰 도움을 줄 거예요. 게임 것 같아서 책으로 공부 보다는 더 재미있어요! 완전 추천해요~ 한번 확인해보세요^^

I'm studying through for the TOPIK exam! I've probably registered on the site last year or the year before, but a few days ago, for the first time in a long time, I logged in to the site. I think this site will be really helpful for you whichever language you're studying. Because it's like a game, compared to studying with a book it's a lot more fun! I totally recommend it~ You should check it out!   

요즘 제가하고있는 강의예요~TOPIK 단어 ^ㅂ^ 한 레벌 완성되면 이렇게 생겨요!

This is the course that I've been doing recently~ TOPIK words^^ 

After you complete a level, it will look like this!


diary 2016. 2. 11. 00:33
After almost 2 years of learning Korean, I'll be taking my first TOPIK exam this April! I'm really excited about it. I registered for TOPIK I and I'm aiming for Level 2. I'm really glad the new format for TOPIK I doesn't have any writing component because I'm not too confident writing essays in Korean yet. I'll have to work on that first before I take TOPIK II! 

저는 이번 4월에 제 첫 한국어 능력시험을 보게 될 겁니다. TOPIK I (초급)을 볼 거예요. 좀 긴장되고 설레네요~ 그래서 지금부터 더 열심히 공부해야 돼요ㅎㅎ