INTRO ✦ 자기소개

notice 2015. 5. 23. 18:51

안녕하세요 마이 입니다. 한국어과 일본어를 독학하고 있습니다.
하지만, 요즘에는 주로 한국어를 공부합니다~^^

언젠가 영상이나, 기사나 영어로 편하게 번역 하고 싶었서 열심히 공부하고 있어요! 
여기서, 모든 번역이나 듣기연습을 포스트 할 거예요. 
만약에 제 한국어가 
틀렸다면 얼마든지 고쳐주세요. 너무 감사합니다.

Hello there! I’m Mai. I'm currently self-studying Korean and Japanese.
Hoping to attain fluency one day and be good enough to translate and understand any type of material.
I’ll be posting anything related to my language studies on this blog ヾ(^∇^)


Language Learning Timeline:

2010 - Decided to learn Japanese properly; Learned Hiragana/Katakana (Self-study)

2011 - Attended Mandarin Classes for 3 months (and cried a lot)

2014 July ~ August - Attended Basic Korean Classes for a month

2014 August ~ Present - Continued Self-studying Korean

2014 December - Took JLPT N4 (failed by a few pts hah kanji)

2016 April - Took TOPIK I (Passed 2급)

2016 May ~ Early 2020 - went back to the PH and focused on filmmaking

(not much immersion/studying for both Korean & Japanese)

2020 April - Started studying (and prioritising) Japanese again thanks to 'Rona